Sunday 8 April 2012

De Gea. Was he worth it?

Photo: Andrew Yates/AFP/Getty Images
As my first article for this blog I am going to write about my beloved Manchester United. The season is nearly over and after today's displays it looks like Man U will clinch it. It’s been a weird season for Man U supporters; not having a lovely Tuesday or Wednesday 19.45 game to watch, it sadly has been Thursday 18.00 on Channel 5. I’m not a Champions League snob, but I have become accustomed to such a lifestyle. The constant threat from Eastlands has also been a huge worry.

What I would like to talk about is David De Gea. I have become a massive fan of De Gea, there is no doubt in anybody's mind that he is a tremendous talent; his distribution and shot-stopping ability would be desired by any professional goalkeeper and he has many years ahead of him. What leaves something to be desired is his commanding of the box and his defenders. This side of his game has improved massively and will only go from strength to strength as he bulks up a bit, becomes more familiar with his team mates and the English language. The risk has really paid off, recently he has been outstanding and saved us on numerous occasions;  cast your minds back to the ridiculous save against Juan Mata’s bending free kick late on against Chelsea ( The question I ask is would of the money been better spent elsewhere?

Man U supporters were undoubtedly very excited about the signing, especially after he had such a successful Under-21 Euro's campaign with Spain, however after the first few starts I think some supporters thought we might have another Massimo Taibi on our hands. There were many accomplished Premiership goalkeepers who Man U could have grabbed for a lower fee - the likes of Brad Friedel, Shay Given, and Asmir Begovic would of been more than comfortable between the posts, and in turn givien Man U more freedom to invest elsewhere. I’ve always had faith in Sir Alex Ferguson not buying an established, World-class midfielder. I, like many fans, assumed he had a plan involving the likes of Paul Pogba and Ravel Morrison. Morrison was a rebel and, to be fair, I didn’t want him there, but Pogba seems to possess all the makings of a great player, yet he gets barely any game time and there still isn’t any conclusion to the contract talks: is he actually any good?

I think Cleverley was Sir Alex’s plan, unfortunately he has been plagued by annoying injuries, but has looked a decent player and started off the season with incredible promise. So Fergie had a plan, but it didn’t quite work out and it’s good that he shows confidence in the youth setup. Man U still lack that fire and creativity that so many other teams possess, we brought back Scholes and he’s been awesome but he is not the future, Barca have Iniesta, Spurs have Modric, City have Silva, and Oxford United have Peter Leven. Would United have had a less stressful season with the midfielder all United fans desire, at the cost of a slightly cheaper man between the posts? The truth may not come out until next season, and more specifically whether De Gea irons out the inconsistencies from his game and the midfield conundrum is solved either through the transfer market or a marked improvement in current options. If this doesn't materialise surely United must finally spend big money, or there’s a chance of being choked by the Blue smoke emanating from across the way.

1 comment:

  1. 'The season is nearly over and after today's displays it looks like Man U will clinch it.' oh will..
