The old man knew it was time to go. His mind was willing but his flesh was weak; decades in dogged pursuit of his goal left him exhausted, nearly broken. There were those who implored him to stay, to fight one last fight and give all a proper chance to say goodbye. After all, he had been dismissed as old for years, but a dogged, fervent belief had kept him far elevated above his peers. A relentless pursuit of what he saw as right, trouncing his frailties with a fire which burned deep within him, a pure, white hot hatred for his enemy. His was the will which could not be dominated, which flickered the same whether in the depths of defeat or the dizzying heights of victory. His departure was predictably greeted with tears and despair; boundless misery at the passing of a giant, whose demise surely signalled an inevitable end, a crushing defeat. They, of course, were wrong. In his absence he became stronger than they could possibly imagine. Obi-Wan Kenobi lived on. Alex Ferguson will do the same.